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最新【Words of Wisdom】Volume 10【佛言佛语】第十册中英文版

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Teaching Videos for Sutras and Mantras

Eng Audiovisual Book [Journey to Heaven & Hell]

Eng Audiovisual Book [Buddhisum in Plain Terms]

 Words of wisdom in English

Words of Wisdom

雲山霧罩凡人間, 煩惱業障人世間, 佛魔思維般若間, 心靈除障一瞬間。



Hills shrouded in clouds;

the land of mortals veiled in mist.

Afflictions and karmic obstacles typify the Human Realm.

When Prajna wisdom is present, Buddha’s thoughts replace evil thoughts. When Prajna wisdom becomes absent, evil thoughts prevail Buddha’s thoughts.

It only takes a split second to rid the mind of obstructions.A strong faith in the Buddha-dharma is a key to serenity and perfection.

Abstaining from evil and doing good deeds leads you to transcend the mundane world.

Act compassionately in accordance with conditions, and that will be your Prajna wisdom.


去完成人間的因緣聚合, 你將能駕馭緣分。

如果你執著於緣分, 你將被緣分所駕馭, 你就不能得到解脫。

因緣如同花草, 隨時節不同而改變,

所以過度地重視因緣, 你就會嘗到果報。


By gathering with kindness the causes and conditions in this Human Realm, you gain the ability to harness affinities.

However, becoming attached to affinities means being dictated by them.

As a result, liberation will be beyond your reach.

Like flowers and plants, causes and conditions change with the season.

Therefore, by taking causes and conditions too seriously,

you will suffer the consequences.

As Buddhists, we always should accord with causes and conditions.



好的心態,讓你的心不會著相。 只要有緣分,到最後一定是空的。這符合佛法的緣起性空。


“不生不滅,不垢不淨, 不增不減”的佛性,


To Buddhist practitioners, mentality is critical.

It’s like a compass, navigating your direction forward.

With a positive mindset, your mind doesn’t cling to the notion of form.

Whenever affinities arise, in the end they’ll be empty.

This accords with the Buddhist philosophy of Dependent Arising and Emptiness.

It’s how the Heart Sutra describes the Buddha nature — “It is neither arising nor ceasing, neither defiled nor immaculate, and neither increasing nor decreasing.”

This is the true value of life’s existence.



會越來越穩重、越來越莊嚴, 女人像女人,男人像男人, 整個人的精氣神


一個有智慧的人, 能靜得下來;




就是讓你在左心室痛苦的時候, 打開你的右心室,


當你在右心室感到 胸悶、難受的時候,

用這把金鑰匙打開你的左心室, 來分擔右心室給你帶來的難過。這就是智慧的轉換。As Buddhist practitioners, we transform our temperament.

Those who practise well become more mature, and more dignified.

Men and women act and appear as they are supposed to.

Their energy and vitality appear distinct from those who don’t cultivate the mind.

The wise can always remain calm.

The wise always possess the golden key to their mind.When suffering pain in the left heart chamber,

the golden key opens up the right to divert the afflictions and sufferings

of the left.

And when suffering pain and discomfort in the right heart chamber,

the golden key can open the left to share the pain evenly.

This is how wisdom is transformed.


今日想不通,只會帶來明日的煩惱; 明日的憂傷,會讓你進入無明痛苦。今日的煩惱,明日會消失;




一月後只是曾經發生; 一年後變為曾經故事; 幾年後是過去的歷史。

拋棄無謂的煩惱, 擁有智慧的菩提。

In Real Life

The inability to sort things out today brings afflictions tomorrow.

Tomorrow’s sadness brings ignorance and pain.

But today’s affliction will vanish tomorrow.

The sorrow of the next day causes pain for a week.

Bear in mind that every affliction in the Human Realm will become:

A thing of the past after a month; A story after a year;

A long-gone history after a few years.

Banish pointless vexation,

and you will attain the Bodhi wisdom.不動因,果就空了。 一個人能夠放下直到空,

修心到純本性, 就是修到了空無。





每天就是在結愚癡的果; 每天活在改變中,


If cause is never created, effect becomes void.

If you could let go of every attachment until they are empty,

and cultivate your mind until you see your pure inherent nature,

you have achieved the spiritual state of emptiness and nothingness.

Without sowing karmic seeds, no karmic fruit will be harvested.

Your mentality reflects your level of cultivation.

Those with a positive mindset attain a high spiritual state.

Those with a negative mindset are easily affected by circumstances;

their state is constantly changing.

Those who live a life of regret harvest the fruit of ignorance,

while those who constantly improve themselves sow the seed of Buddhahood.


經常覺察自己有沒有智慧。如果覺得自己經常做錯事情, 你就觀得自己“無慧”;


如果智慧不夠時,把心要定下來, “定能生慧”。


再用觀慧,因為當你觀慧時, 你就會知道自己有沒有智慧。即觀無慧,定當精進;


會得到“苦空無常”的境界; 常觀慧,




定只是引導智慧德能的一種方法, 所以佛法界講,“依慧不依定”。

真正的智慧是觀無相, 看空無常,看破紅塵。在無相當中生存,

在紅塵當中歷練, 你定能得到般若智慧。

Learn to contemplate wisdom.

Contemplate frequently, reflecting upon whether you possess it.

If you find yourself constantly making errors, you discover your lack of wisdom.

Wisdom grows from the constant contemplation of wisdom.

Those who lack wisdom need to calm their mind.

“Meditative concentration gives rise to wisdom.”

So how can you calm your mind? Again, by contemplating wisdom, you come to know if you possess it.

When you find wisdom lacking, you will practise with diligence.

Contemplate if your mind is calm constantly, and you will develop wisdom.

With constant contemplation of wisdom, you will attain the spiritual state of knowing the nature of “suffering, emptiness and impermanence”.

With constant contemplation of wisdom, your mind no longer clings to the notion of form.

Rather, your mind constantly remains in emptiness.

Whoever attains emptiness must be  wise, but those who can achieve calmness do not necessarily possess wisdom.Concentration is merely one way to gain wisdom and moral capabilities. Therefore, according to Buddhism, “one should rely on wisdom,

not on concentration”.

True wisdom lies in the contemplation of no-form.

Penetrate impermanence and see through the nature of the mundane world.

To live in the midst of no-form, and to withstand the trials and tribulations of this mundane world, you will surely attain Prajna wisdom.

每個人每天都在找智慧, 其實智慧就在你的心中。

當你想通的時候, 你就是有智慧;

當你想不通的時候, 你就喪失了智慧。

在學佛中,毫無益處地執著, 不但傷害你的智慧,


追究於一些佛法佛理, 執著地想去理解它,


當你去做一些沒有必要的付出, 並想理解其中問題的時候,

你可能因為你的時間, 會喪失你的智慧和幸運。

世界無常,當你在辯論一些毫無意義的佛學問題時, 你的智慧正在流失。

對別人的誇誇其談, 只有當你不回答的時候,


而當你自己在執著和辯論的時候, 你會失去智慧在你心中的價值。

Everyone is constantly looking everywhere for wisdom.

But wisdom actually resides in your mind.

The moment you get your thoughts straight, you already possess wisdom.

The moment you feel troubled, your wisdom is lost.

In practising Buddhism, clinging pointlessly to something harms

not only your wisdom, but also your wisdom-life.

Those who seek doggedly to decipher some Buddhist doctrine or theory

to understand them have yet to truly awaken.

The Buddha said:

When spending time on unnecessary efforts to figure out some problems, you risk losing your wisdom and

your fortune.

The world is impermanent.

When arguing pointlessly about Buddhist topics,

your wisdom is wearing thin.

When others are boldly talking, only by remaining silent

will you be able to contemplate.

While being adamant about your argument’s thrust, the value of wisdom will be lost in your mind.


師父曾經講過, “無求般若心自在”。






你的心裡才會充滿智慧, 你的心才能大自在。


手掌可以做任何事情, 手背就做不了什麼事情; 手掌就是你的智慧,


就猶如用手背在做事一樣, 不能讓智慧在你心中得到自在。

人間的冤結、瞋恨、嫉妒、不捨, 心裡知道這些感覺

但不長久,並會失去, 但還是要斤斤計較。

正所謂,貪心不滅,業障不消。Get Rid of Strife, Enrich Wisdom

As the Master once said: “Without desire, one attains Prajna wisdom and puts the mind at ease.”

When one has wisdom in abundance, their mind remains unperturbed,

and their cravings cease.

To elaborate: when equipped with abundant solutions,

and abundant wisdom, you will not make a fuss when you lose benefits.

By seeking nothing, your mind is filled with wisdom and is at remarkable ease.

It’s like your hand-

you can grip and control with your palm, but not with the other side.

The palm is like your wisdom - when you have none, it’s like trying to grip or control with the back of your hand. You’re unable to develop the wisdom to put your mind at ease.

Deep down, you know that every karmic conflict, every act of hatred, jealousy and attachment in the Human Realm is impermanent, and bound to vanish.

But you still make a fuss over a trivial matter.

This is described as:

“As long as greed is unextinguished, karmic obstacles can never be eliminated.”有智慧的學佛人, 把一切都看成是緣分,



師父寫的“淨心” 那兩點像是掃帚,

就是要掃除你爭鬥的心, 你的心才能變得乾淨。

人生就是在風雨中兼程; 學佛就是在挫折中精進。

心寬的人能夠包容一切; 慈悲的人能夠放下一切。

A wise Buddhist practitioner sees everything as a manifestation of conditions.

They take things in their stride, as it’s the only way to calm a restless mind.

In the Master’s calligraphy

“A Serene Mind” (Jing Xin in Chinese), the two dots are like a broom sweeping away aggression from the mind.

That way, the mind will be purified.To live a life is to forge ahead, whether rain or shine.

To practise Buddhism is to persevere in the face of adversity.

With a broad mind,

one can be tolerant of everything.

With compassion,

one can let go of everything.


懂因果的人, 不會去造因果。



常感應佛菩薩加持力, 才能如理如法地修行。

不相信法律,不懂法而犯法, 最後一定會觸犯法律。

錯解因果或自認不懼因果, 最後一定被因果所報。因緣來時,果報現前; 報應如影,早晚隨形。法律之人,知法不犯; 智慧之人,知因懂果。眾生知因才懂果報。


果報的成熟,因緣的巨變, 會經歷漫長的時空轉換。

必須有菩提智慧,才能瞭解; 只有深信因果,才能遠離業障。




只有懂因果的人, 最終才能得安樂。


On Cause and Effect

Those who understand the law of cause and effect do not create karma.

The law of cause and effect is in fact the law of Heaven. In the mind of every Buddhist,

abiding by the law of karma is the road to liberation.

When one can feel the constant power of the blessing of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, they can practise properly in accordance with the Dharma.

Those who don’t believe the law, or are ignorant of the law,

will inevitably break it.

When someone misinterprets karma, or thinks they do not fear it,

they are bound for karmic retribution.

When causes and conditions come together, the karmic effect takes place.

Like shadows,

karmic retribution follows us closely, taking effect sooner or later.

Those who know the law will not break it.

Those who are wise understand the law of cause and effect.

Sentient beings must know how the law of cause and effect works.

The Master once said:

The ripening of karmic retribution, and huge change in causes and conditions, occur in the midst of a protracted transformation of time and space.

To understand this,

one must possess the Bodhi wisdom. Only with a deep belief in the law of cause and effect can one steer clear of karmic obstacles.

We often speak of peace and joy.

Peace means safety, and without it one can neither experience joy nor live a happy life.

Only those who understand the law of cause and effect will eventually attain peace and joy. In Buddhism, this is called “brimming with Dharma bliss”.

禪無心三藐三菩提, 心中要長存

無上正等正覺的菩提心。 去除斷見和常見,取中道, 你就會擁有正道。

要常思,諸惡莫作,眾善奉行, 遠離瞋恨和私心,






去除煩惱,你就會擁有菩提; 擁有菩提的智慧,

就能克服人間的五濁, 從而達到遠離惡世,



來自於一顆慈悲的心; 頑強的意志,


心無罣礙,淨中生蓮; 心靈淨土,長住人間。

法無空法法生性; 似空非空證菩提。

Zen is “no-mind” - Samyak Sambodhi.

We should constantly maintain the Bodhi-mind, as it has attained unsurpassed, complete and perfect enlightenment.

Remove the annihilationist perspective, and that of eternalism.

Take the Middle Way and you are on the right path.

Bear in mind always: Do no evil and do all good.

Refrain from hatred and selfishness, so as to eliminate the perspective and the notion of the self.

Wisdom is like the bamboo shoot that springs up and flourishes after heavy rain.It takes Prajna-like wisdom to uproot afflictions.

Afflictions are like rain and dew.

After rain, one becomes sober, and their Bodhi grows.

With afflictions all gone, your Bodhi will emerge.

Possessing Bodhi wisdom means surmounting the Five Turbidities, freeing oneself from a world fraught with ill and evil and attaining Bodhi-like Prajna Wisdom.

A strong faith stems from compassion.

An indomitable will stems from equanimity.

With no obstruction in your mind, purity emerges like a lotus flower.

The spiritual pure land and Guan Yin Citta Pure Land long dwell in the Human Realm.

Recognise that the Dharma is not empty Dharma.


the nature of Dharma manifests itself.

When one realises that apparent emptiness is not empty and discovers the dual nature of everything and every person, Bodhi is attained.




“慈悲能化解一切冤結”。當你恨一個人的時候, 你想到他曾遭受的苦難,


理解生命,真實涵義; 珍惜人生,修出六道。

人要學會斷除常見,消除斷見, 要觀身無常;

學會看重自己的本性, 看輕自己的身價。

破色身無常,看破人身; 破假身無常,看破色身;


雜心安住,隨順因緣; 少欲知足,常生感恩。Understand the Reality of Life

With everlasting compassion, all suffering in the Human Realm

can be resolved.

Guan Yin Bodhisattva said: “All karmic conflicts are reconcilable with compassion.”

Instead of bearing a grudge against someone, recall their hardship and the anger disappears.

Understand the true nature and the purpose of life.

Cherish life and cultivate to transcend the Six Realms of Existence.

We must rid ourselves of the extreme views of eternalism and annihilationism.

Always contemplate the impermanence of the physical body.

Learn to value your inherent nature, but make light of yourself.

Be awakened to the impermanence of this physical body; refrain from clinging to this human body.

See through the impermanence of this false body;

refrain from clinging to the physical body.

Let go of attachment and craving;

go with the flow and achieve the state of tranquillity and liberation.

Settle the wandering mind;

let cause and condition take their course.

Reduce greed and

be content with what you have.

Be grateful, always.



每天檢查自己的修行, 你很快就能發現,


學佛,不是簡單的學佛的理論, 而是要從佛的原始本性中,


你才能真正地理解, 什麼叫真如佛性。





金剛般若菩提種, 自性本空顯光明。出離執迷無常空, 返璞歸真菩提心。

On Practising Buddhism

Every day, examine your cultivation against the Buddha’s standards.

You’ll come to realise you’re already on the way to awakening.

Practising Buddhism is more than learning Buddhist theory.

One must seek the Buddha nature from the Buddha’s original nature.

That way, you’ll truly come to know what Buddha’s nature really is.

Buddha’s wisdom stands for kindness, for compassion,

for strength, and for Prajna.

Having Buddha’s wisdom is true liberation.

It’s the Bodhi wisdom that stops you from becoming trapped by

illusions and distorted views.

Diamond-like Prajna wisdom is the seed of Bodhi.

Self-nature is inherently empty, so it glows.

Be free from attachment and delusion to attain the state of impermanence and emptiness.

Recovering simplicity and returning to the true nature - that is the Bodhi mind.

學佛精進,增長智慧; 學佛慈悲,增長忍辱。



就能放下一切人我是非。包容越大,境界越高。 猶如一個倉庫,


人總是覺得自己很偉大, 是因為太注重自己。

當你在人山人海的人群中, 你才會覺得自己很渺小。



但你坐上飛機在高空看飛機場時, 機場是那麼地渺小。

這個道理就是告訴我們, 人生不可過高地看重自己;

只有把自己的心融化在救度眾生中, 你才會超脫自我。Practising Buddhism diligently enhances wisdom.

Learning to be as compassionate as the Buddha enhances tolerance.

Tolerance and magnanimity are the ways Maitreya Bodhisattva saves sentient beings with his compassion.

A magnanimous and tolerant person is able to let go of false notions of self and others, and all the worldly arguments.

The more tolerant you are,

the higher your spirituality becomes. Like a warehouse, the more goods it can store, the bigger it is. 

People think they are great because they are excessively egoistic.

When in a large crowd of people, you’re akin to a drop in the ocean.

When at an airport, you find it is big. But when flying over the airport and looking down, it now appears tiny.

The lesson is to never think too highly of yourself.

Only by merging your heart in the effort to save sentient beings can you break free from the notion of self.



那是你的慧命,是你的靈魂, 並不是肉身。

人的一生為了這個假我, 想盡辦法在取悅它;


天天用名利在包裝它; 甚至為了這個肉身的我, 造下很重的業障,


領悟佛法的真諦, 究其真諦,非空非有,





猶如人的細胞一樣,新陳代謝, 剎那間又生出一批新的細胞。 人每天會生出很多念頭,


無常緣起,千變萬化。只有如如不動的本性, 才可以看到真實的生命。


人生才不會活在回憶與悲哀中; 只有廣種善緣,才能脫離苦難。

Many believe that their physical body is their “self ”.

In fact, the real “self ” is our wisdom-life. It’s our soul, not the physical body.

People spare no effort in pleasing their

“false self ” for all their lives. They varnish this false self with fame and gain.

They would create heavy karma merely to gratify their physical body and end up on the path to the cycle of rebirth in the Six Realms.

Practise Buddhism here and now so as to hear the Dharma and return to the Way.

Transform defilement into purity. Transform yourself from a mortal to a sage.Becoming awakened to the ultimate truth of Buddhism is to acknowledge that all things are neither empty nor existent.

They arise and cease because of causes and conditions.

People care too much about pride, ignoring that pride is the root of the “false self ”.

For Buddhist practitioners, holding pride dear only makes them

take their “self ” too seriously.

Like the metabolism of our bodies, every day a great deal of cells die and are instantly replaced by the new.

Likewise, we give rise to countless thoughts each day, all of which vanish in an instant.

It is because of impermanence and the arising of conditions that a plethora of changes and transformations occur.

Only through our inherent nature, which remains unperturbed under all circumstances, can we see life

in its true nature.

Embrace the present moment to avoid wallowing in reminiscences and

past sorrows.

Only by sowing the seeds of positive affinities widely can we

be free from suffering.

境界就是佛果, 境界越高佛果越大。



要想得到永恆的智慧, 你必須要有大悲心; 要想得到永恆的福德,





A person’s spiritual state is the fruit of their Buddhist practice.

The higher their spiritual state, the greater the fruition they attain. One’s spiritual state reflects their wisdom and blessing.

Blessing stems from kindness.

Wisdom originates from a pure mind.

To attain eternal wisdom,

one must possess great compassion.

To acquire everlasting blessing, one must perform all wholesome deeds,

and refrain from all evil acts.

To refrain from the act of killing is to nurture the seed of compassion in your heart.

Learn to strengthen your willpower. By understanding that everything is impermanent, one can achieve liberation.

By knowing that everything arises and ceases in accordance with conditions, one can make the best use of the expedient method of “no-form”.

一燈能破千年暗, 一智能滅萬年愚。


讓我們在黑暗中,找到光明; 在無常中,找到解脫。

我們不能再在人間 浪費生命,浪費慧命。


都來念《 大悲咒》、《心經》。



投入到救度眾生的慧命中去; 用心中的佛光,


One lamp can light up the darkness that has lasted for a thousand years.

A flash of wisdom can dispel the ignorance formed eons ago.

The Buddha’s light shines universally, allowing us to find light amidst darkness and attain liberation amidst impermanence.

We must not waste our physical and wisdom lives in the Human Realm. Maximise your finite life by helping sentient beings to become spiritually awakened near and far.

Learn from the Master to inspire people all around the world with the right affinity to recite the Great Compassion Mantra and the Heart Sutra.

Liberation is a beacon. Letting go is wisdom.

With your finite lifespan, devote yourself to enlightening the wisdom-life of sentient beings.

With the Buddha’s light glowing in your heart, go and light up the hearts of those who have affinity with Buddhism.


在人間不想過後悔的日子, 就要讓自己知因懂果。

種什麼種子,結什麼果; 栽什麼樹苗,開什麼花。

學佛人,種因得果,那是天律; 懂因緣,知輪迴,那是禪悟。不想後悔,不去造業。

過度的需求,就是欲望的開始; 過度的欲望,就是煩惱的開始; 過度的煩惱,就是瞋恨的開始; 過度的瞋恨,就是業障的開始。

能夠解脫,靠的是智慧; 能夠放下,靠的是般若。

只有用佛菩薩的妙觀察智, 才能解決人間的一切煩惱。


我是學佛人,要對得起菩薩; 我是學佛人,我要學會感恩; 我是學佛人,必須超脫六道。


The Mindset for Practising Buddhism

To avoid a life of regret, one must understand the law of cause and effect.

The seeds that we sow determine the fruit that we harvest.

The seedling we plant determines the flowers that bloom.

As Buddhist practitioners,

we know that the law of cause and effect is the law of Heaven.

Understanding the cause and conditions and the cycle of rebirth is a kind of

Zen awakening.

To live with no regrets, one must not create negative karma.Excessive demand is the start of craving. Excessive craving is the start of affliction. Excessive affliction is the start of hatred.

Excessive hatred brings about karmic obstacles.

It takes wisdom to be free. It takes Prajna to let go.

Only with the Buddhas’ and Bodhisattvas’ Wisdom of Perfect Insight can all the worldly afflictions be dispelled.

Always contemplate that:

As a Buddhist practitioner, I must be worthy of the Bodhisattva’s blessings.

As a Buddhist practitioner, I must be grateful.

As a Buddhist practitioner, I must transcend the Six Realms of Existence.

By constantly contemplating as such, you will steer away from illusions and misconceptions. 開悟得圓滿






不必用人間的人我是非去評判。開悟是大道,只有覺悟的開悟, 才算是紅塵中真正的修心。

開悟的人會感恩, 開悟的人會珍惜緣分。

一個人經常會害怕, 是自己誠實感不足。心中無私天地皆寬, 那是學佛人的基礎。




只要有信心,堅持去改變, 你一定能成功。




師父經常講,改變不了別人, 首先學會改變自己。




Enlightenment Leads to Perfection

Enlightenment is not just a noun.

It means having a solid comprehension and grasp of all matters.

Be not bothered by worldly tussles and see who will ascend to Heaven.

To straighten out your own thoughts is to possess a clear mind.

With a clear mind, you not only make yourself dignified but also make the Buddha’s pure land dignified.

Those with a clear mind are highly revered.Cultivation is a great path.

There is no need to make judgements of right and wrong using the worldly perception.

Enlightenment is a great path.

Only with the dawning of awakening can we truly cultivate our minds in this mundane world.

An enlightened person will always be grateful and cherish affinities.

Those in perpetual fear demonstrate their lack of true honesty.

A heart of selflessness broadens one’s horizons.

A selfless heart is the foundation of every Buddhist practitioner.  

In the Human Realm, change is difficult.

The reconstruction of a house; the alteration of things;

the changing of people’s minds.

These are all fraught with hardship and pain.

But with faith and perseverance, you will surely succeed.

Being able to change sows the seed of Dharma bliss.

Only those willing to change can fill their lives with delight.

As the Master always says:

If you cannot change other people, first learn how to change yourself.

In the sea of desire, any foul energy or evil act causes the Buddha seed to wither in your heart.行願


是由你的願行引導的; 人生方向的選擇,


願力是發心的基礎, 它能感動天地。




能承認錯誤為稀有之人; 能改正錯誤為智慧之人。

Fulfilling Vows

Vows and actions guide the life of a Buddhist practitioner.

The choice of your life’s direction is formed by your lotus of wisdom.

The power of vows is the foundation of one’s resolve; it can even move Heaven and Earth.

For every Buddhist practitioner, the making of vows comes first. The power of vows is the spark of compassion.

Making grand vows leads you to fulfil all the practices of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas - body, speech and mind.

Rare are those who acknowledge their mistakes.

Wise are those who correct them.努力

一個說自己腦子有問題的人, 其實他正在迷惑當中;

一個說自己什麼都記不住的人, 其實就是懶得什麼都不想記, 猶如一隻迷失的羔羊。

沒有信念的人,是很難學佛的; 沒有堅強意志的人,



這時才感到自己的悲哀; 看到別人的努力,


猶如看別人爬山,覺得很辛苦; 當別人在山頂上,

一覽無限的風光,享受無限的喜悅, 這時才感受到自己在山腳下的渺小。


才知道自己已失去前進的動力。記住了,不付出艱苦努力的人, 永遠只能在山腳下,

看著超越六道的人, 而自己只能隨著業力, 在六道輪迴。

Hard Work

Those claiming to have mental issues are in a state of confusion.

Like a lost lamb, one claiming to be unable to remember anything is in fact merely slothful.

It is difficult to practise Buddhism without a strong faith.

It is difficult to change oneself without strong willpower.

Some people realise their own misery only after seeing others’ success.

When others are working hard, they see only arduous exertion.

It’s like the daunting feeling of seeing other people climb a mountain - when witnessing them standing on the mountain peak and enjoying the spectacular view with immeasurable joy, those at the foot of the mountain feel small. 

By the time they find out their slothfulness, they will discover that their drive to forge ahead is lost.

Bear in mind: those making no effort can only be stuck at the mountain’s foot, stranded in the cycle of rebirth according to their karma,

parting with those who will transcend the Six Realms of Existence.


學佛人要追尋內心世界真正的財富, 那就是我們的智慧和般若。

在人間,任何追求名利的人, 或者把名利看得很重的人, 都會把自己的人格看得很輕。懂得捨棄人間的名聞利養, 那你的心才稱為“開悟”。


或講一些無中生有的事情, 在佛法界,稱作意識犯戒



是一個言字旁、一個“非”字, 就是語言講的不是真實的話。

“謗”字,就是語言來自非正道, 而是左道“旁”門,



色身可留人間常住, 慧命實修正果極樂。The Right Faith

and the Right Mindfulness

Buddhist practitioners should pursue wisdom and Prajna - the true treasure in our heart.

In the Human Realm, those pursuing and attaching

importance to fame and gain do not take their character seriously.

Only by letting go of the obsession with fame, status and benefit can you become spiritually awakened.

It is a violation of the Buddhist precepts in consciousness to spread gossip or fabricate rumours - a defamation in your mind.

In Chinese, the word “defamation”

consists of two characters.

The first,誹 Fei, has two parts - “speech”

and “false”.

The second character, 謗 Bang, also has two parts - “speech” and “slant”.

Therefore, the former means false speech, and the latter refers to a slanted and deviated view.

Buddhist practitioners must know that while our physical bodies may remain in the Human Realm for a long time,

we must take action to cultivate our wisdom-life and attain Enlightenment and Ultimate Bliss.生命價值

不學佛的人, 生命活在掙扎中;



只有將自己的生命用在救度眾生上, 才會給自己的慧命


慈悲的代價就是忍辱; 願力的代價就是精進。

每天看到自己的悟性, 每天才能看到自己的光明。

理解人生的真諦, 就是在修心;

能把自己內心世界調整得離苦得樂, 你就是在修心。

The Value of Life

Those who do not practise Buddhism struggle through life.

For Buddhist practitioners, life develops in Dharma bliss.

Dedicate your life to delivering sentient beings from suffering and you can create a mandala of Buddha nature for your own wisdom-life.

It takes endurance and forbearance to be compassionate.

It takes diligence to fulfil your aspiration.Explore your potential for enlightenment constantly, and you will see the light within you every day.

Cultivating the mind is the way to understand the true meaning of life.

When you can regulate your inner world to the point of being happy and free of suffering, you are cultivating your mind.



有的人一生,有緣無分; 有的人一輩子,有分無緣。

因為世界不圓滿,人間不圓滿, 只有擁有和佛菩薩的緣分,


學佛人要把自己的心態, 調整到最高點,


如果讓自己心情, 下降到最低點, 那就是低下。

只有當你知道煩惱都會消失的時候, 你才能流露出法喜。

學會認識人間的真諦, 開悟佛性,明理自性, 內心才能乾淨。

虛空的名利,永遠不要去貪; 學佛的感恩,永遠不能忘。

記住自己學佛的初始心, 你才能有始有終;

在學佛道路中,不忘初心, 才能永斷輪迴。

Be Rational and Understand Self-Nature

Affinity works in a mysterious way. Some people, for example, even those with affinities, are destined to meet but not to be together.

Others, although destined to be together, lack the positive affinity with one another.  

It’s because the world is not perfect, as is the Human Realm.

Only when we possess the affinities with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can our merits and virtues be complete and perfect.

As Buddhist practitioners,

by adjusting our state of mind to the highest possible level,

we attain nobility of character.

You lower yourself by keeping emotions at their lowest point.  

Only by realising that all afflictions will eventually disappear can our Dharma bliss emerge.

Learn to appreciate the truth of the Human Realm. Only by awakening our Buddha nature and understanding our self-nature, can our minds become clean and pure.

Never crave fame and gain, for these are void and short-lived.

Never forget to be grateful for being able to learn Buddhism.

Remember why you started in the first place, so you can accomplish what

you set out to do.

To forever transcend the cycle of rebirth, we must remain true to our initial aspirations along the path of practising Buddhism. 覺悟

當一個人在覺悟中, 他已經在進步中。

先有覺,後有悟; 沒有覺,不開悟。

一個不瞭解自己身體的人, 他會把身體弄垮;

一個不瞭解自己錯誤的人, 他會把人格弄歪。

菩薩的覺悟,那是一種自悟; 人性的覺悟,那是一種漸悟。

只有人的開悟, 才有菩薩的覺悟。

一個人只有活在佛海中, 他才會擁有真正的生命。

佛的覺悟,是一種真正的解脫; 人的覺悟,是走向解脫的開始。


Those on the path to enlightenment are already making progress.

Enlightenment comes after awakening.

Without awakening, enlightenment will not be attained.

Those with no knowledge of their body will eventually harm their health.

Those unaware of their mistakes will ruin their character.

Bodhisattvas’ enlightenment is a sort of self-awakening.

Understanding human nature is a process of gradual realisation.

The awakening of human beings paves the way for the Bodhisattvas’ enlightenment.

Only by immersing ourselves in the sea  of  the  Dharma can we embrace the real life.

The enlightenment of the Buddha is true liberation.

The awakening of a human begins the path to liberation.



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